Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case study Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis - Case Study Example In order to achieve this, the board members should be freely elected by the shareholders on the basis of their experience and competencies. 2.Tim Harrington’s efforts to manage the board of directors and investors are worthless given that he has no influence over them. In the first place, he does not want any interference from them which puts him in a difficult corner. He may not be able to influence their decisions since there is a division that already exist the two. Tim is hard headed since he thinks that he can make decisions without the input of the members of the board which is quite impossible. The management should have reviewed the business strategy to see if it can turn around the fortunes of the company by venturing into another lucrative form of business. Tim’s view of â€Å"better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission shows that he has pride. He thinks he is above the situation in all respects in the company. He thinks that he cannot seek for permission from the board to implement certain decisions which is not supposed to be the case. 3. The venture capital decision is favourable to the people who belong to the group since it reflects their interests. Being the major shareholders in the company, selling the company is a viable strategy that can prevent loses in the long run since the financial crisis witnessed is unpredictable. In most cases, the factors obtaining on the ground in the real economic situation are beyond the control of many organizations. When there have been signs of bad things to come, it would be wise to dispose the company while there is still time. This can help to salvage the money invested in the company. ________________________________________________________________ The board of directors in a public company should be composed of independent people who have interests of the company and the other shareholders at heart. People with direct interests in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Humanistic Theology and the Educational System

Humanistic Theology and the Educational System The influx of humanistic theology into the educational system has given rise to considerable tension within the Christian community in the recent years. Questions have been asked of what humanism is and where it comes from. Humanism is a methodology that concentrates on the welfare or progress and happiness of all humanity in this alone and only life. Humanism can be traced back to the times of Democritus and Aristotle of Ancient Greece. (Lamont, 1992). Its tie to the Greek culture resulted in pagan features such as glorification of mankind (Dodgen, 1986, 195).). It is said that the Greek set about humanizing everything. They humanized God, nature and daily life, and it is out of these acts that great minded men measured all things and gave a firm and noble body of standards to the human life which came after them (King). The theory of humanism as said has given rise and considerable tension within the Christian community. This brings out curiosity to know what the statement of concern is. Well Humanism is a school of thought that gives primacy to the study of human needs and interest, for instance looking at the theory of Abraham Maslow and his definition of humanism which says â€Å"The focus of the humanistic perspective is on the one self who translates to, â€Å"you† and â€Å"your† perception of â€Å"your† experiences. This view proposed by Maslow argues that you are free to choose â€Å"your† own behaviour rather than react to environmental stimuli or reinforces. This statement is also in contrast to the beliefs of operant conditioning developed by the American research psychologist Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Skinner believed that all behaviour is the result of application of consequences. The theory of humanism emphasized on faith in action. Faith in action but not in a good way. Humanism teaches that it is immoral to wait for God to act for us. It emphasizes that we must act to stop the wars and the crimes and the brutality of ties and future ages. Humanism says we have powers of remarkable kind. We have a high degree of freedom in choosing what we will do. It tells us that whatever our philosophy of the world may be, ultimately the responsibility for the kind of world in which we live in lies with us. All this brings the fact that the issue of concern is that humanism is a philosophy for those who love themselves, a philosophy of imagination and it is focused upon human’s means for comprehending reality. It does not leave any room for God as the Creator of the universe rather it only portrays God as one who ordains the good or bad that we do. Hence Humanism causes tension because it does not preserve the legitimacy of the spiritual world and God being the deity of all things All that left aside the understanding of humanism becomes relevant to the practices of Christian education when one begins to look at the principles of humanistic education or educational humanism. Keep in mind that humanism did not birth in a conference room, educational reform or legislative act. It has been influenced by people of different fields. Perhaps it is the advocacy by the modern or naturalistic humanists that seems to have drawn the ire of religious leaders towards humanism, especially fundamentalist Christians. This is in spite of the fact that modern humanists advocate a strict separation of church and state, especially in the domain of public education. When humanism is applied to education it encompasses a variety of assumptions about the teacher, learner, curriculum and the context of learning. There are a lot of principles and each principle highlights the understanding of humanistic education. Some of the principle and objectives that can be seen as basic are: Teachers should be trusting, sincere and empathetic with their students. They should prize their students and hold them with high regard. This as proposed by Carl Rogers who concludes that such an attitude on the part of the learning leader would set stage for successful experiences and students would become more self accepting and aware of themselves. As proposed by Gage and Berliner(1991) there are five objectives that a teacher must meet which are: promote positive self-direction and independence, develop the ability to take responsibility for what is learned, develop creativity, develop curiosity and lastly create an interest in the arts in students. This can also be known as sponsoring invitational learning. Affective factors should be explored as much as the cognitive dimension of classroom instruction (Beihler, 1986, 399). Research by Bayer (1986) indicates that children who are taught in an atmosphere which is conclusive to effective learning will also have a more positive self concept (130-131). The relationship between the teacher and the pupil has important impact on the learning process. Thomas Gordon (1974) a popular humanist educator, describes a healthy teacher student relationship. He says that the relationship between a teacher and a student is good when it has (1) openness or transparency-so each is able to risk directness and honesty with the other, (2) caring-whereby each know they are valued by the other, and lastly (3) interdependence on one another. William Purky (1978) call attention to the relationship between a student’s self-concept and scholastic achievement and recommends that instructors develop and use skill of invitational learning. Such a skill as learning students names, having one on one contact with them outside of class, praising and affirming them, demonstrating personal and classroom discipline , and being transparent with personal feeling will help the child recognize his/her values and capabilities or in other word influencing self efficacy. That all teachers must always keep in mind that learning is facilitated when the pupil is prized, valued and respected by the teacher who can care without being possessive. This is what Abraham Maslow would call promotion of self actualization which would push students to work very hard. Teachers should use techniques for encouraging students to identify with others, emphasize with them, and relate their feelings to the feeling of others. Teachers are to endorse self determination or self regulation to make students accountable for their action and choices. Looking at those principles of humanistic education it becomes clear that many of them are based upon sound principles of education. It would not be difficult to cite biblical references to demonstrate examples form scripture where many of the principles can be seen. That is not to say that educational humanism has its roots in scripture, because such a statement would be based on faulty methods of hermeneutics. For someone who would study humanism there are a few key terms that would help them understand more about humanism and what it stands for when it comes to education. Some of these are: Self-efficacyis the extent or strength of ones belief in ones own ability to complete tasks and reachgoals. This can be seen as the ability to persist and a persons ability to succeed with a task. As an example, self-efficacy directly relates to how long someone will stick to a workout regimen or a diet. High and low self-efficacy determines whether or not someone will choose to take on a challenging task or write it off as impossible. Self-actualization Maslow explicitly defines self-actualization to be the desire for self-fulfilment, namely the tendency for him [the individual] to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming Self- determination, the process by which a person controls their own life. Invitational learning, William Purky said â€Å"no aspect of education is more important than the feeling on the part of the teacher that the individual student is important, valuable, and can learn in school† However humanism goes much further than modernism in its view towards the bible .the view of the humanist is much more radical. Humanism believes in few things that as Christians we may consider them as blasphemy. Some of which are; â€Å"We believe however those tradition dogmatic or authoritarian religions that place revelation, God or creed above human need do a disservice to the human speciesAs non-theists; we begin with humans, not God, nature not deity†. As Paul Blanshard, an editor of the Humanist (a slick national publication) wrote: â€Å"The evangelists reverently call the Bible â€Å"The Book†, and they say it is God’s word. Let’s be blunt about it. By no stretch of the imagination can the bible be called either the revealed word of God or the errorless work of God. It is not one book, and it is not holy. It is very bad history and even of questionable morals† Looking at this we see that humanism is not indifferent toward the Bible-but is at all out ward against it. The quotations are fully typical and representative of humanistic thinking toward any revelation from God. The only way Christians can combat their vicious and desperate influences of humanism and its war on the bibles, is by being so knowledgeable and conversant in the scriptures that can effectively wield the mighty sword of the Spirit. The essence of positive pride is confidence and contentment, a sense of gratitude and accomplishment in the productive use of your gift (Faw, 134-136). There is a need to have a Biblical perspective of the person and human experiences in order to correctly understand the insights contained in certain theories. The truths about human nature in scripture focus largely on our relationship with God and our need for salvation He alone can provide (Faw, 137). A Christian who meditates upon the word of the lord and keeps in his heart will have no difficulty seeing the vast superiority of Christianity over humanism or any other vain philosophy. The bible has something real and stable. The Bible offers a perfect guide for day to day living: teaching the value of time (Eph. 5:15-16); honesty (Eph. 4:25,28); the putting away of every vice which is harmful to ones self and others (Col. 3:5-9); benevolence and kindness in thought and deed (Col. 3:11-14). The Bible condemns all partiality and prejudice (Col. 3:11; Gal. 3:26-28; James 2:19). The Bible teaches moderation, patience, and peace (Phil. 4:4-8). Humanism stresses that this life is all there is that our existence is extremely brief and ultimately hopeless. The Bible, on the other hand, teaches us that while the outward man perishes, the inward man is renewed day by day. Gods word offers us eternal life and provides the motivation to live an honourable, godly life that we might live eternally with God. The Bible and humanistic philosophy are at war. The battle is bitter, but there is only one way that wickedness can prevail: If Christians fail to study and practice the teaching of Gods word. There is a major difference between the belief system of the messengers of God and those who reject the word of God. Others find their beliefs humanistically upon their evidences form senses, logic, philosophy and observation. Instead of founding their human study upon the word of God, they sought to test the Word of God by their human study. Paul warned: â€Å"As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ†(Colossians 2:6-9). The difference between the humanistic system of the world and God’s system is outlined in 1Corinthians 1 and 2. The world bases faith in the wisdom of men. Some seek signs- that which can be measured, seen, touched, tasted, and heard. Others look for Philosophical reasoning. Humanistic and Biblical concepts of faith can be compared in many ways some of which are: The humanism starts with doubt in order to prove assertion while the Bible starts with the gift of God. Humanism relies on the autonomy of humanity while the bible relies upon the word of God. Humanism is based on 5 senses while the bible is based on the power of God rather than the wisdom of men. The comparisons are many but the point still stand that humanism cannot attack the bible because God gave us all our reasoning abilities and our senses too. All this raises the question that, what is the implication for Christian education. The focus of humanism is somewhat curious as other scientific theories regarding humans learning and behaviour also advocate a strictly materialistic view of human’s beings. The general issue of concern is how humanism affects Christian education and somewhat advocates a strictly materialistic view of human beings. Its focus has been on helping the student become ‘’humanized’’ or ‘’ self-actualized therefore helping the student discover, become and develop his or her real self and full potential. This brings us to what implication humanism has on Christian education. Humanistic approach to learning means a process that is inevitable and unique for every individual. Humanistic approach considers human being as the central part of learning by humanistic approach. Place of the child in teaching-learning: According to this approach student plays a central role in whole teaching-learning process. This approach believes in child-centred-education. This approach, considers that we should first understand the needs, interests, abilities, age level, attitudes, aptitude of students then try to organize teaching learning process according to these. It emphasizes on reach, touch and teaches the child according to his nature, and interests. All teaching material and its process must be related to individual characteristics of students. 2. Emphasis on individuality: According to this approach every individual has his own individuality. Teacher should respect and develop this individuality through education. Individual differences should be respected and internal virtues of individual be developed. Teacher should understand this individuality and organize his/her teaching-learning process according to this individuality. 3. Understanding the child: According to this approach, we should understand the child first of all, and then teach him. We, as a teacher, should know our students, their interest, personality, capabilities and background environment and use teaching methods and content accordingly. Because this approach believes in student centred education so before teaching, a teacher should understand students thoroughly. 4. Method of teaching: In this approach teacher should use methods of teaching which are based on psychological principles. Teacher should not use teacher centeredness and traditional methods of teaching in it. Teacher should emphasize on active learning which could consider the learner. Teacher should use the methods which could teach according to needs, interests, abilities and attitudes of learners. Learners readiness, mental set and motivation are considered as basis for deciding the method of teaching to be used. So teacher should use learner centred innovative methods of teaching. 5. Discipline: Teacher should not force student to be disciplined. He/she should encourage self discipline and self-control among students. Students should be given the responsibility of to be disciplined. 6. Place and role of the teacher: According to this approach student plays a central role in teaching learning process. Teacher acts as a guide, friend or helper of the students. Students should freedom to develop and make progress according to their own pace, needs and interests. Teacher should be considered as the milestone in the journey of total development of the child. Teacher should not force his own methods and views on students but he should be only a guide in this development process. Looking at all this we wrap it all up in a nutshell that the implication or consequence that humanism has on Christian education is that it helps Christian educators become better teachers, educators and facilitator. Having discussed all this we see that we come to a conclusion that humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, aspired by art, and motivated by compassion. System of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and their problems can be solved using reason instead of religion. We have seen what the general issue of concern is on humanism form a Christian perspective. We have also seen why the understanding of the topic is relevant to Christian education and lastly the implications it has for Christian education. That humanism gives primacy to the study of human needs and interests. Bibliography . (n.d.).. Retrieved, from Anthony, M. J. (2001). Humanism.Evangelical Dictionary of Christian Education(ed,). : Baker Book House Company. Bayer. D.L. (1986).The Teaching and Learning Process. Beihler.R. F. and Snowman. J.(1986). Humanism in the classroom: An Eclectic Approach to Teaching and Learning. Blanshard. Paul.(1978). Humanism versus Orthodoxy. Truth Magazine. Dodgen.D.J., McMinn.M.R.(1986). Journal of Psychology and Theology. Dolio .J. (2000).Symposium on the Bible and Adventist Scholarship( ed.). Dominican Republic: Dominican republic publishers. Gage, N., Berliner, D. (1991).Educational psychology(5 ed.). Boston: Houghton,: Mifflin. Lamont. C. (1982). The Humanistic Altenative. Lefrancois, G. R. ().Psychology for Teaching( ed.). Boston: Houghton, : Wadsworth. Moody. T. (). Humanism And The Bible:Truth Magazine. Louisville, Kentucky/ Rogers.C, Freiberg,H.J. (1994). Freedom to Learn(3rd ed). New York: Macmillan/Merrill. Rogers.C. (1969). Freedom to learn(1st ed.). New York: Macmillan/ Merrill. Faw, W. Harold. (1995). Psychology in a Christian Perspective, an Analysis of Key Issues. Baker Books

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Comparative Analysis of “Cry Freedom” and “Island in the Sun” Essay

Racism and racial segregation are forms of discrimination based traditionally on unmerited economic, social and political orders. These principles transform and re-invent and continue to manifest themselves in modern societies causing severe mental scars and perpetuating deep inequality and poverty. Colonialism in the British Caribbean illustrated by the film â€Å"Island in the Sun† which is chronologically first, and Post Colonialism in Africa illustrated by â€Å"Cry Freedom† have similarities and stark differences. Both films are used to portray society’s social-political issues. From the marginalization of black people socially, politically and economically to the notable use of laws that exploit, ostracize and impede the advancement of blacks while dividing them in the process. The films are set apart by their notable differences, in â€Å"Cry Freedom†, apartheid laws which were developed after the 20th century were codified which set legal barriers of white domination and racial separation. Racial discrimination was systemized and banned marriages between blacks and whites, and sanctioned certain jobs for whites only. â€Å"Island in the Sun†, on the other hand attempts to trade unionize the workforce to help blacks to become empowered because up to that point blacks could not work in certain areas. While both films reflect different time periods they simultaneously reflect the clutch of colonial mindsets on mental realities within The Bahamas. In â€Å"Island in the Sun† we see the Caribbean in the 1950s, historically during this time there was ‘de jure’ racial segregation between the two diverse groups – blacks and whites. What black people could and could not do was very present in this film. Here we see the character David Boyhe a mixed-ra... ...uld result in a movement whose final triumph would be majority rule and the dismantling of the system of apartheid that inhibited Bahamian blacks socially, politically and economically (Martin and Storr 21). Works Cited Barlas, Robert. The Bahamas. TarryTown: marshall cavendish Benchmark, 2000. Bethel, Nicolette. "Engendering the Bahamas." College of The Bahamas Research Journal XIII (2003). â€Å"Cry Freedom†. Dir. Richard Attenborough. Perf. Denzel Washington. 1987. Martin, Nona. "I’se a Man. Political Awakening and the 1942 Riot in the Bahamas." Journal of Caribbean History, 41 (1&2) (2008): 3. McCartney, Donald M. Bahamian Culture and Factors Which Impact Upon It. Pittsburg: Dorrance Publishing Co, inc, 2004. Wolpe, Harold. "‘Capitalism and cheap labour-power in South Africa: From segregation to apartheid'." Economy and Society 1(4) (1972): 425-456.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Foxconn Case Study

Vietnam Value system chosen: â€Å"Achievement Disease In Education† 1. In any country, education plays a very important role to promote the development of all economics and society. However, with methods of education for so long which do not fit the requirements of the new era, Vietnam education is producing passive â€Å"people† who is good at theory but bad at practice. Students and even teachers nowadays are always under a great deal of pressure from the so-called â€Å"Achievement ease†.Vietnamese obsession of having any type of â€Å"achievement† creates a negative effect in education. While students are having pressure of getting good grades In order to fulfill their parents' will, teachers also have to make sure all of their students receive good marks to meet the school's decided achievement. This might sound obvious, however there are students who are good at math but not good In science, who loves study and who don't. As a result, academic disho nesty Like cheating exam Is likely to be occur frequently these days.My attempt In this paper s to contribute my voice to acknowledge and make people understand more about this fact in education in Vietnam as well as giving suggestion to eliminate this situation. 2. The definition of â€Å"Achievement Disease†: â€Å"Achievement† simply is an accomplishment in whatever goals you've set for yourself, not necessarily earning a lot of money. Achievement is doing what you want to do within the bounds of the law. It Is the pursuit of dreams. It is liberty from the chains of fear and unbelief.It Is recognition of what makes you unique and what you have to offer others. It Is the realization, the substance, and the tangibly of a dream fulfilled. Thus, we can understand that â€Å"Achievement Disease in education† is a type of disease which people try seeking to pursues achievements at any cost even with doing dishonesty or unethical behavior. Regarding the above explan ation, taking efforts to pursue achievements of an individual or a group is a good moral character. It should be commend and encourage to every people.Just imagine a country in which every member takes efforts to achieve higher performance on the fields of activities: sports, arts, education, manufacturing, trade, technology and so on for his/her on sake and for the whole community. The country Is certainly wealthy and prosperous In Its economy as well as society. However, when these efforts to achieve a good and necessary qualities of each which causes the system to be corrupted. To simplify the definition of this term, let's just think of the basic differences between â€Å"original achievements† with â€Å"Achievement Disease† is the different between genuine goods and counterfeiting goods.And the key factor that makes the difference is the existed or non-existed of onsets. 3. According to Murray (1938), he considered that need for achievements as one of the basic h uman needs. 4. Degree Appreciation is a serious issue in Vietnam Society nowadays. In fact, the psychology of degree appreciation is essential and remains harmless if it goes with a proper certification mechanism, which reflects one's capability through the degree. Japan is considered to be the most succeeded country in pursuing degree appreciation. Here, the employee assessment relies heavily on their degree which trigger a strong competition in the society.People are urging to receive alluvial degrees to ensure their premise for success. However, this is a totally different story in Vietnam. In a lot of cases, the degrees are not associated with actual capacity of the owners. In Vietnam, most people think that the best way to pursue successful in life is to obtain good university degree. This seems to be a huge burden creates by parents and the society, which forces the children to try their best to fulfill their parents. Unfortunately, many young people who do not pass this press ure fell into fear and depression feeling, even leads to suicide.It is a painful truth seeing many students duty 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for the periodical achievements which are mostly useless in the future. Currently, every Vietnamese family and person has a desire that they themselves or family members could achieve a university degree. This is actually one type of â€Å"achievement disease† which leads to the fact of redundant in teachers but shortage in workers and the more dangerous disease of â€Å"actual degree but simulated man†. In a society where people only appreciate educational degree but underestimate the real ability of individuals may leads to severe consequences on the society:In Vietnam, we could easily find information regarding the evils of degree buying, point selling, academic degree selling, etc†¦. Due to the fact that high positions always go along with better degree, in many cases a person is promoted in a higher position but he doe sn't meet the position degree criteria. As a result, he must buy a good degree to fulfill the promotion requirements or to keep the existing position. Therefore in Vietnamese language we have a phrase called: â€Å"Paper P. H. D or Paper Master† that implies people who use their money to buy fake certificates or degrees.Not until recently does the story about the fake degrees and certificates appears, it has been existed for many years since the beginning of â€Å"Doi Mom† policy. People always desire to have a position in the society. However at â€Å"old age, exhausted intelligence†, most people do not have enough time to study properly to obtain Due to the degree appreciation that has been rooted in most family, from kindergarten period till high school, parents always try to have their children study in granted schools and selected classes or extra study so that their children could be bled to pass universities entrance examinations.As a result, some of so-c alled â€Å"granted school† is always overloaded and ran out of vacancy. However, in order to send their children to those schools and arrange at the best class, parents are often willing to â€Å"bribe† teachers. However, we cannot blame the parents because they are just the victims of the degree requirements society. The situation is that those who have more degrees or higher qualifiers will be preferable than those have less. They do not test the real capability of the individuals but rather seeing if the individual acts all the degree criteria or not.One other impact of â€Å"Achievement Disease† is that young people nowadays tends to choose the major which help them obtain money and promotion after graduation or easy to study. At the same time, they turn their back on the society and humanity major, agriculture†¦ It is said that the reason why young people turn their back on the social sciences and humanities is the bad impression from the high school education. There is an implicit distinction between main and minor subjects. Math, physics, chemistry, foreign languages are always carefully taught by the teachers.Meanwhile, other subjects such as literature, history, geography seems to be taught briefly since teachers do not really care about what student acquired during the course. On the other hand, many students consider not taking priority learning social subjects since they find it harder to find Job and receive low payment. A lot of students say that the graduate from social sciences could only find Job in government companies where they have to work within the framework like a robot rather than creation.Other reason is that the massive expansion of banking and business companies rates a lot of Job opportunities with high salaries attracts many students and so that most of them choose economic majors. As a chain effect, students always choose economics to study as a secure decision and ignore their true passion and hobby. A lso, since in Vietnam society students of economics are likely to be more appreciated and respected rather than study social science or humanity. The â€Å"Achievement Disease† also appears to be happened at school.For example, in most schools, the most concerns are how to help the student study well and the ratio of graduated students. At the beginning of each year, most schools have to assign a goal setting towards the ratio of graduate student. If at the end school doesn't make its own criteria, it will hurt its reputation which might result in fewer investments from higher levels. As the solution, in a lot of schools, teachers are assigned to change the students score in order to meet the school's standard. This creates a significantly negative effect to the education sector and causes it to be more and more corrupted. , Remedies to this situation: should be a coordination and agreement between every management levels to repose a suitable solution. Examination and quality evaluation must be implemented seriously. The education sector needs to have a long term strategy for the radical solution, synchronize but not hasty and impatient. We have to stay consistency to our goal but the methods have to be very flexible and capable of changes when needed. Currently, we need to strengthen the inspection of examination, giving strictly sanctions to the individual or group of people who deliberately try to violate the rules.On the mean time government should focusing ore on providing extra education to teachers so that they can cope up with model teaching methods, increasing investment in infrastructures and facilities to schools. Once the quality of education is fundamentally improved, â€Å"Achievement Disease† will eventually be eliminated. At the same time, we have to promote, encourages motivate teachers and education managers striving to overcome the outdated, inertia of the old education systems. This will be a long process of striven for educat ion sector in particular and society as a whole.In addition, we should prevent the phenomenon of achieving† unrealistic goals, ratio which causes students as well as schools to dishonestly produce a fake result in study. Meanwhile, all upper levels agencies should not put â€Å"Achievement† pressure on an area which has low-graduate rates but rather confront other real result, analyses to find out the main causes as well as delivering proper solutions to the situation. At the same time. Reforming the student assessment methods, since the current system measures success on the basis of completion of a particular grade but fails to measure students' capacity.More appropriate assessment methods could identify a child's problems in a timely manner allowing for pragmatic adjustment. As we have already discussed, obsession of obtaining degrees and qualifications is also a main cause of â€Å"Academic Achievement Disease†. Therefore, companies should not only based on o ne's qualifications but also evaluate carefully one's real capability through giving tasks and observe the final results. In order to accomplish this, in all industry, individual capability assessment needs to be changed so that there will be no more â€Å"Paper P. HP' or â€Å"Paper Master† and so on.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marijuana Legalization: an Annotated Bibiliography

Colin Morris Ms. Morgan English 102-053 1 March 2013 Is it time for the Federal Government to Bud out of States’ Rights? : An Annotated Bibliography Cohen, Micah. â€Å"Marijuana Legalization and States Rights. † FiveThirtyEight Marijuana Legalization and States Rights Comments. The New York Times, 8 Dec. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. Summary: This article starts off by asking a new question about the legalization of marijuana. It doesn’t ask whether or not it should be legal, but if the government should change it’s laws on drug enforcement.The polls show that in most of them polls, half of the pollsters believe that it should be left up to the states that have legalized marijuana to decide the laws. It concludes by stating that even though some believe it should be left up to the states, 49% of those people are still opposed to legalization. Analysis: This article makes some very interesting points that are not really brought up in a normal legalization debat e. The issue of states’ rights brings a whole new side to the debate. He also does a very good job of keeping his bias out of the article.There are some places in his writing where his bias could have shown but he kept it out. Cohen’s numerous polls do all come to one conclusion; not everyone believes marijuana is a bad thing. Those supporting the issue of states’ rights could help turn the tide in this ongoing debate. What he lacks in this article is a way that pro-legalization leaders could use this new strategy to help their cause. A way to do this would be to show that there are average Americans who could have a say in this debate and not just stoners. Peterson, Bo. â€Å"Legal Pot in South Carolina? DonAt Hold Your Breath. † The Post and Courier.The Post and Courier, 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. Summary: This article draws support from unions and civil rights advocates in the Charleston area. These groups all agree that South Carolina should fol low with Colorado and Washington. But these groups are countered by senators who believe this issue not only has no ground, but has no chance of happening with this current legislation, due to it’s conservative nature. Analysis: Looking at this article as a South Carolinian, it just shows how for as long as I can remember, our state legislature has had a hard time getting anything accomplished.This article points out the ever growing gap between the people and the government in this state will be the main reason why marijuana will have a hard time being legalized. Bias is not an issue in this article, the writer addresses both sides and draws support from both sides. Even though this article has the general idea that legalization will not happen in South Carolina for awhile, the fact that there are people who think that it should happen, helps the cause as much as it can. Robillard, Kevin. â€Å"Medical Marijuana Bill Unveiled in House. † POLITICO.POLITICO, 25 Feb. 201 3. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. Summary: In this article, a bill was brought before congress that would help lay out a plan for the government to eventually legalize marijuana. Oregon Democrat Earl Blumenauer did this in an effort to shed some some light on the federal pot policy. Surprisingly this bill has 13 co-sponsors. These sponsors happen to come from both parties, one is a Republican from California. Though his bill isn’t likely to pass, bills in New Hampshire, Illinois, New York and Maryland are expected to pass to make medicinal marijuana legal.Analysis: This article does nothing but give hope to the pro-legalization crowd. These bills that are circulating through various state Houses are nothing but good news. This writer does a nice job of bringing in people for sources who are actually close to the issue. One of these sources has the idea that medicinal marijuana could help troops with post-traumatic stress. That would be affective but would require a motion from not only p eople within legislature, but an idea could be to bring in some military execs to help back their claims.But the issue still remains that there are still people a lot of pro-legalization people who do not have a voice. But until there is one solid voice for this issue, it will not go anywhere in the House or the Senate. Pack, Lauren. â€Å"Marijuana Summit Counters Legalization Movement. † Dayton, Ohio Network News, Weather, Traffic, Sports. WHIOTV, 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. Summary: This article was on a regional marijuana summit in Ohio. This event brought in people from all sides of the issue, from the business, medical, education, law enforcement and government.Since there are 18 states that have legalized pot, Ohio is looking to push into that group. The usual arguments were brought up from the pro crowd, but the anti-legalization brought up a valid point, 10 percent of card holders in those states actually have a legit reason to have them, but 90 percent use them for headaches etc. But the summit came to the conclusion that if it is about business then they can support it. Analysis: This kind of summit is something that tends to be happening more and more across the country.These summits bring people together who can actually make a difference when the legalization issue comes up. What people don’t realize is that when there is an issue that needs attention all it takes is important people in numbers getting behind then. This kind of summit could actually help progress the pro-legalization cause. The smartest part of the way this summit is constructed was by bringing in people who held power in all parts of the local government. If this method was used across the country, the pro-legalization group would have a much better chance of succeeding.Ludwig, Mike. â€Å"Is America ready to Legalize Marijuana?. † Truthout. Truthout, 7 Feb. 2013. Web. 01 Mar. 2013. Summary: This article tracks another bill that is circulating from the House rather than the Senate. The democratic Rep. from Colorado is proposing a bill that would help lay out a plan that could start a motion to legalize marijuana within the next few years. Support is drawn from polls that are stating that slightly more than half of all Americans belief that adults should be able to purchase marijuana like they do alcohol or tobacco.The bill proposes to remove pot from the Controlled Substance Act. Analysis: This article like most others on the subject, gives marijuana users hope that one day they will not be discriminated. Seeing that there is more than one person in Congress trying to make this works makes users believe they can use freely soon. The more that I look into these articles, the more I find that there really are a good amount of people who actually want to make this happen. By bringing in the idea that we are spending too much money on the war on drugs, the argument for pro-legalization grows new legs.By laying out a plan for all of th e money America could be saving, more people could gather around this idea that the debt that keeps going up, could eventually come down to a more manageable amount. Hale, Gary. â€Å"What Is the Best Regulatory Framework for Legalized Marijuana? † Baker Institute Blog. N. p. , 31 Feb. 2013. Web. 01 Mar. 2013. Summary: In this article, the writer addresses the issue of what exactly would be legal when it comes to the future of marijuana.It addresses the issue of the new business side as well Dispensaries would have to gather numerous permits and would rapidly increases in numbers in just a few months. But first the government would have to remove marijuana from the Controlled Substance Act. Until that happens, all of this talk is just speculation. Analysis: This article brings some new ideas to the table as well as some more roadblocks that are not normally talked about. With marijuana being on the banned drugs list, that is the largest hurdle that is left for marijuana to be totally legalized.Right now it is in the same category as LSD and heroine, some people would find that a little excessive. In my opinion marijuana does not even come close to being as dangerous as LSD or heroine. The writer does a nice job at keeping his bias out of his writing. He does an even better job at making hard to detect what side of the argument he falls on. But outside of that the article lays down so pretty interesting ideas that the pro legalization crowd could use in later arguments.